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Kermit tool 1.2 GH.cpt
Read Me—Kermit Tool GH
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182 lines
Kermit Tool GH version 1.2.0ß1
by Glenn R. Howes -- University of Wisconsin Department of Chemistry
What it is:
Kermit Tool GH is a freeware file transfer tool for use with
programs that utilize the Macintosh Communications Toolbox.
Commercial and shareware developers must obtain a license to
bundle this tool with their products.
How to use it:
1) Get a CTB compliant application. Examples would be ClarisWorks,
Termy,VersaTerm etc.
2) Install the basic CTB set. (this is available from Apple).
3) Place Kermit Tool GH in either the extensions folder (sys 7) or
the communications folder (sys 6).
What it does:
Right now, it implements a Kermit file transfer protocal
with packet size <= 9024 (given enough memory); 1, 2 or 3 byte error
checking; attribute packets; run compression; text, and binary or
macbinary file transfers.
In text mode it strips out line feeds while receiving and adds
line feeds while transmitting. In macbinary mode it looks for a
macbinary header so as to generate a mac-only file (such as an
In the future it will support sliding windows, and shift locking.
Improvements will also be made in packet generation, cancellation
procedure and error recovery, and it will be totally rewritten using
the cleaner framework of my YModem tool.
This tool supports the macbinary file format. If you want to only
use the current macbinary II format and not decode documents that
appear to be in macbinary I format you can check the appropriate box
in the setup dialog.(evidently certain file types such as the gif
format can be misinterpreted as macbinary I). If a file being downloaded
is determined to not have a valid macbinary header, it will be downloaded
as a binary file with the type and creator chosen in the setup dialog. If a
file with a valid macbinary header is found to be incomplete: the
length data in the header is longer than the data actually received,
the file's type will be changed to 'BADD' and its creator to 'KerM',
with an appropriate icon. This was done to avoid generating
corrupt files which the finder thinks might be executable, but the
file will probably be useless anyway.
If you find that running this tool in the background is slowing
down your machine too much, reduce the packet length. Alternatively,
if you want faster transfer speed increase the packet length
(1024 is a good value if the remote kermit supports it). I think my
implementation is quick compared to other implementations of Kermit.
Know that some minimal implementations of Kermit support packet
lengths of 94 or less.
Make sure that the remote computer is ready for binary files
when you transfer binary or macbinary files. Text is usually the
If a transfer stops dead, try cancelling and dropping the packet
length, I find that a major reason that transfers fail is due
to problems with packets being too long, especially on sends.
There is a limit to this, don't drop below 80 byte packets.
Using run length compression (default) might give a noticeable
increase in throughput, especially for text files.
Use 8 bit lines if at all possible, especially for binary files.
If the remote Kermit doesn't accept a cancel command while sending,
try hitting Control-A followed by Return. If you do this 10 times
in a row you should exceed the remote's retry limit.
When configuring the remote Kermit, try typing in "help" or "?",
many implementations will give you info on how to configure things
like packet-length.
Auto-receive is a capability supported by some applications which
will cause this tool's window to automatically pop up in receiving
mode when a certain string is received. In my case I chose the
mark character (usually control-A). In general, I would say to
keep this feature off until I get it implemented better.
There appears to be some sort of problem found when dealing with
older Kermits sending files to this tool. Every packet gets
echoed. I'm working on this, but sometimes waiting until the
remote Kermit sends its first packet before starting receiving
works. (Make sure auto-receive is off).
I've had several people beta test this tool, they found several errors
and made many interface suggestions which I have incorporated into
this tools design. This does not mean there are no bugs, just that
I squashed the more obvious ones.
Feel free to distribute this tool with this Read Me file. However,
this tool is not to be sold or bundled with any shareware or
commercial software without obtaining a license from me.
I retain all rights to this tool and to its source code.
I neither give nor imply any warranty of this product. Bugs are
unavoidable in software development, so any loss of data or
time caused by this tool is not my responsibility. Besides,
what did you pay for this tool. :-)
Thank You:
John Scott for rewriting the 'fcsr' segment in his own image
Brad Spencer and Ed Turner for lending me needed books
Frank da Cruz for writing "Kermit: A File Transfer Protocol"
Pete Resnick and John Rawnsley for their extra help in beta.
Symantec for selling a beautiful C compiler (Think C 5.0)
My mother for having me and 9 other children.
In the unlikely event you care:
My birthday is May 19th, and my favorite presents are cash,
shrink wrapped software and expensive computer equipment.
If you find a serious bug, please catalog:
how they occured,
what equipment (computer),
system software,
application software,
communication setup (parity, data bits, speed....),
anything else that appears appropriate,
your e-mail address if you have one
Glenn Howes
Room #3211
1101 University Ave.
Madison,WI 53706
version history:
initial release 1.0
version 1.1
• added balloon help to setup dialog
• allowed the disabling of run length compression
• broke background sends into chunks for multifinder friendliness
• added support for multi-file sends
• fixed crc block checking (18-bit)
• added a preferences file
• fixed bug that prevented receiving macbinary files in bulk
• changed the icon (to see remove previous versions and
rebuild the desktop-->hold command-option down during
• added "bad macbinary" file type icon
• various cosmetic changes to both setup and status windows
• fixed bug in in macbinary encoding
version 1.1.1
• fixed another bug in generating macbinary
• fixed bug in file compression algorithm
• added force 8th bit prefixing option
• added CTB auto-receive functionality for applications that use it.
this is still in the experimental stage, so keep this off if
• the odd cosmetic and human interface change.
version 1.1.2
• improved cancellation procedure
• made multi-file receives more compatible with what applications
• fixed the odd bug here and there.
• reduced the memory requirements for a give packet length
• no longer sucks up the first few bytes the remote sends at the
end of a transfer (for Bill Lippa).
• added x of y to status field
version 1.2
• made the status window as big and beautiful as that of my
YModem tool.
• moved x of y to filename field
• made the determination if an incoming file is macbinary much
earlier in the transfer
• No longer opens a dummy file for macbinary transfers. This was
evidently causing problems for some people
• No longer leaves the status window hanging around invisible between
transfers. Evidently, this could cause a crash in MacTerminal.
• No longer leaves the various transfer buffers allocated between
transfers, this should make some application's programmers happy.
• Should now handle dealing with certain misbegotten implementations
of Kermit that actually put a character higher than ~ into the
length byte of a classic packet. You know who you are.
• Now test for parity problems by examining the negotiation packet.
This should improve the chances of a transfer being successful
• Added a ".bin" extension to macbinary send files
• Added an attribute packet for when sending files, so the remote
computer has some idea of the size and type.